CRUDlex 0.9.9 just got released.

A lot of stuff happened since 0.9.8, exactly 120 commits. The most noticeable new feature is for sure the list view being sortable now.

And there is now the possibility to use UUIDs instead of incrementing integers as IDs in the MySQL data provider.

Also optimistic locking landed for situations where an entity might be edited by two persons in parallel.

And finally, the generated timestamps (created_at, updated_at and deleted_at) are using UTC now. Existing timestamps are interpreted like that and should be migrated on CRUDlex update.

Here is the full changelog:

  • Attention: From now on, the created_at and updated_at timestamps are stored as UTC values in the MySQL data provider
  • The list views can be sorted now
  • Added optimistic locking for editing an entity
  • CRUDMySQLData now offers an option to use UUIDs as primary key instead of an auto incremented value
  • Added a function to the service provider to get the available locales
  • Added a function to the service provider to get the name of the language of a locale
  • Generating the language picker based on the available translation files instead of being hard coded
  • Fixed and refactored a lot of things revealed by static code analysis
  • Updated dependencies:
    • Symfony-Components to the current LTS version 2.8
    • “symfony/…”: “~2.8” (current LTS version)
    • “phpunit/phpunit”: “~4.8”
    • “satooshi/php-coveralls”: “1.0.1”
    • “apigen/apigen”: “4.1.2”
    • Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker V4.17.37
    • Bootstrap 3.3.6
    • moment.js 2.11.2
    • jQuery 2.2.0